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Trouble Logging into Roundcube? Error: Invalid Request. No Data was Saved.

YouIf areyou're tryinghaving totrouble loginlogging into Roundcube,Roundcube and you receive the following error appears:


InRequest. No Data was Saved," there may be an issue with your web hosting accountsor usingreseller DirectAdmin,account theassociated errorwith canthat beemail relatedaddress. But don't worry, we're here to thehelp suspensionyou ofget theback up and running.

Solutions for Web Hosting Accounts

First, check to see if your web hosting account associated with the email address you are trying to access.

Ifhas you have a web hosting account

Check if your web hosting account was notbeen suspended for someany reason. TheWeb accounthosting couldaccounts haveare beentypically suspended due to thea lack of disk or suspected spamming activity. If that'sdisk space is the reason,issue, performing an upgrade ofupgrading your account will resolve the issueproblem and unsuspend theyour account.

Usually, you receive an email when this happens.

If you woulddon't likewant to check what's using that much space before performing an upgrade and prefer to check if it's possible to delete some data instead,upgrade, you can temporarily ask us to unsuspend your account.account so that you can check if it is possible to free up some space and resolve the issue. However, take noticeif the account willcontinues beto suspended automatically once again overnight in case it's still exceedingexceed the allocated disk space.

space, it may be automatically suspended again overnight.

Next, check if the email account you are trying to log in to has been disabled. On DirectAdmin, if it was suspended automatically for bounced emails, you can re-enable the account by changing the password. For other web hosting control panels or other reasons, you will need to contact us to remove the suspension.

Additional Instructions for Reseller Hosting Accounts and Managed Servers

If you have a reseller hostingaccount accountor

Check ifmanage the accountaccounts that is having this problem is not suspended for some reason. Ason a reseller,managed server, you can check if the web hosting account statusand inemail theaddress dashboard.account Alternatively,are suspended for any reason.

If you can see an exclamation mark in the list of accounts that can provide more information when passing the mouse over it.

As a reseller, you can log in as the user and check how the disk space is being used. You are also ableneed to unsuspend the web hosting account or email address account, even if it's exceeding the allocated disk, However,you takecan noticedo so. If you're having trouble removing the accountsuspension willyourself, simply contact us and we'll be suspendedhappy automaticallyto oncehelp againyou overnightout.


We hope these suggestions have been helpful in caseresolving it'smost still exceedingof the allocatedcommon diskissues. space.If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact our support team. We're always available to help you!