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Please help, I'm receiving DDoS attacks

If youyou're canable useto theutilize your control panel to manage your service or connect via SSH, itit's maypossible that you're not beexperiencing a DDoS attack.

Standard DDoS Protection is included by default in allmost of our services:

  • YouThere's don'tno haveneed for you to take any action to benefitenjoy fromits it.benefits.
  • It's automatically enabled at no extra cost.
  • It is enabled for everyone automatically and free of charge.
  • It was developeddesigned to recognize 99% of all attack patterns.

OurHowever, please note, our Standard DDoS Protection cannotmay not mitigate somecertain DDoS attacks becausedue ofto their patternunique (patterns, such as those simulating legitlegitimate web traffic to portports 80 or 443).443.

IfAre you haveusing a managed serviceservice?

ContactIf us,you are, and whether ityou're isexperiencing high traffic causing some load on your server or you believe to be receivingsuspecting a DDoS attack.
attack, please get in touch with us.

IfNot you do not haveusing a managed serviceservice?

If youyou're haveoperating an unmanaged server, arecould youit surebe that your server is notsimply experiencingunder high load? instead?Here Youare can follow thesesome quick tips for you to check.


Regardless of how you areyou're accessing your server (be it via SSH or VNC), you can executerun some commands to identify the IP addresses connecting to your server. If you cannotSSH access youris server via SSH,unavailable, try to rebootrebooting it through your client area or your control panel. If you still cannotSSH access yourremains serverunavailable, viaconsider SSH, you may have to useusing rescue mode or accessaccessing via VNC to checkverify if your IP address is not blocked on your firewall. You may also haveneed to confirm ifwhether the SSH service is properly configured and working correctly.operational.

YouHere are some commands you can use to determine the followingnumber commands to identify how manyof connections are being made per IP address.


To show the number of connections by state:
state, use:

netstat -nat | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

ShowTo show all IPsconnected connected:IPs, use:

netstat -nat | awk '{ print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sed -e '/^$/d' | uniq

ShowTo show the number of connections per IP:IP, use:

netstat -atun | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sed -e '/^$/d' |sort | uniq -c | sort -n

SupposeIf you areyou're receiving connections from many sources (IP Addresses).addresses), Itblocking will take a lot of effort to block all those IP addresses,each one bymanually one,could quite laborious. You could try to blockblocking entire subnets all at once, but youthis maymight alsoinadvertently block legitlegitimate traffictraffic, by mistake (maybepotentially even your own IP Address).


Would you preferrather to stop worrying aboutleave DDoS attacks?worries Getbehind? Consider opting for one of our managed servers today, or contactget in touch with us to create a personalized plan fortailored your needs.