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Swift_TransportException: Connection could not be established with host

ConfirmPlease ifconfirm that you are using the correct parameters to connect your web application with theyour email account.

Even if youyou're areconfident sure to beabout using the correct parameters, pleaseit's worth double-check just in case.checking. The necessary parameters necessary to connect to your Emailemail Account,account can vary from time to time, depending on the software vendor (e.g.,for example, cPanel, Directadmin),. mayChanges changemight fromoccur timedue to time,technical either for technical,adjustments, security updates, or any other reasons.

The last time we were contacted because ofencountered this issue, weour gaveadvice was the same suggestionas mentionedwhat above.we've just suggested. Our client wassuccessfully able to fixresolved the problem afterby updating the required parameters necessary to connect with thetheir email account.

If you've confirmed that the parameters to connect with theyour email account are correct,accurate and you still requireneed assistance,help, please contactdon't hesitate to reach out to us.