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There are altered RPMs on HOST

Usually, you receive an email with the subject of this article from your cPanel system because you have installed a package using a third-party repository.

The email is sent by the system to alert you in case of an unauthorized change. It's usually safe to ignore if you have installed a different version of a package or a third-party plugin recently (which installed a modified version of a package).

We suggest fixing the RPMs unless the creator of your third-party package or plugin mentions explicitly to leave that version.

Most of the time, the developers of your third-party plugin may take their time to update their repository packages. And in rare cases, your third-party package or plugin may not work correctly with the default version of a package installed by cPanel.

You may want to contact the support team of your third-party plugin before you execute the command to fix the altered RPMs.

The command to fix the altered RPMs is the following:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix

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