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There are altered RPMs on HOST

Usually,Did you receive an email with the subject of this article from your cPanel system becausewith youthe havesame subject as this page? This usually happens when you've installed a package using a third-party repository.


This email is sentyour bysystem's theway systemof to alertalerting you inabout case of anpossible unauthorized change.changes. It's usually safe to ignoreHowever, if youyou've haverecently installed a different version of a package or a third-party pluginplugin, recentlyit's (whichgenerally installedsafe to ignore this alert, as these actions can install a modified version of a package).


We suggest fixing the RPMs unless the creator of your third-party package or plugin mentionshas explicitly instructed you to leave that version.

Mostversion ofas theis.


Keep thein mind that developers of your third-party pluginplugins mayoften take theirneed time to update their repository packages. And inIn rare cases,instances, your third-party package or plugin maymight not workfunction correctly with the default version of a package installed by cPanel.



Before wantyou run the command to contactfix the altered RPMs, consider reaching out to the support team of your third-party pluginplugin.

before you execute the command to

To fix the altered RPMs.

TheRPMs, commandyou tocan fixexecute the alteredfollowing RPMs is the following:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix

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