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Do you provide real-time support through live chat?

Requires to be updated.

Real-time support via Live Chat, Skype chat, or Telegram is available mostly to provide dedicated assistance for complex inquiries or issues.

Almost by definition, this will require scheduling a session to select an expert to handle your request correctly. If you are a new customer, in the first 30 days, we provide real-time support without requiring you to open a ticket or scheduling a chat session to help you get started.

How to schedule or request a real-time chat session to receive dedicated support?

Please open a ticket or send an email to schedule or request a chat session whenever possible.

Enter as many details as possible related to your inquiry or issue. You may also ask us to contact you whenever possible. If it's the case, please let us know when we have a better chance to contact you.

A staff member may add you directly. If this happens, we will let you know about it beforehand unless you already have the staff member in your contacts list.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why I'm being asked to open a ticket or send an email when I contact a specific staff member directly?

Our staff always tries to be as friendly as possible. After all, we are here to achieve your goals. Generally, this means clearing the road for you, even when it may create all sorts of unrealistic expectations in the future.

Our internal guidelines and policies state that any client should open a ticket through the client area or send an email before being able to chat directly with any staff member. In other words, scheduling or having to request a chat session is the standard rule. However, our staff has a choice in this matter since it's their personal Skype account. We ask for your understanding that sometimes a staff member might not be available.

Independently of our business hours, our staff members have their schedules. Since you have their personal Skype account, we kindly ask for your understanding to not forget that our staff also have their own time, weekends, days off, vacations, and so on.

Having a specific staff member knowing exactly how your system works from the inside out is a great advantage over any other staff member.

However, this may also make a specific staff member work more than everyone else during any time (which is unfair). If you want a particular staff member to handle your request, you would have to wait for him to be available within his working schedule, which may vary from time to time.

Independently of each case, if any of our staff members didn't reply to your message within any amount of time you feel reasonable, please open a request through the ticket system or send an email.

What are the alternatives to Skype or Telegram?

We have a Live Chat software implemented on our websites. This software, in particular, has integration with Facebook Messenger and Email. At this point, integrating our common Skype account or Telegram with our current Live Chat software is not possible due to technical limitations.

Why don't you reply on Skype?

Some people contact us whenever they see our common Skype account online, assuming we are available. We do not monitor, view, or check our Skype account except during a scheduled session. Our Skype sessions are exclusively dedicated to the client who has scheduled it. Nevertheless, we will try to reply as soon as possible once the scheduled sessions are over.